Tuesday, 27 April 2010


A&B Council Press Release

Argyll and Bute’s programme of events to celebrate the national Year of Homecoming in 2009 made a major contribution to the success of the initiative.

Attendance at the 33 events which were awarded part-funding by the council was significantly higher than anticipated, and the feedback from those who took part was overwhelmingly positive.

Argyll and Bute Council contributed £160,000 towards the creation of an arts and cultural programme to celebrate the Homecoming year.

In addition, £40,000 was provided for two other events involving local schools - one a programme of golf and shinty events, and the other the flagship Homecoming Rhapsody performance which showcased the music, photography and fashion talents of Argyll and Bute’s young people.

In total, 36 events within Argyll and Bute were awarded part-funding by the Council with grants ranging from £1,000 to £10,500, the maximum amount payable. Three of those events subsequently cancelled during the course of the year.

They included high profile, nationally funded events such as the Royal National MOD, Camanachd Cup Final and Cowal Gathering as well as local festivals such as the Tarbert Food Festival and Islay Jazz Festival.

Councillor Neil Mackay, the area’s spokesperson for Arts, Culture, Leisure and Sport, said the impact of the Year of Homecoming had vastly exceeded expectations in many ways.

“In terms of boosting the local economy, the Homecoming programme was a huge success in Argyll and Bute,” he added.

“Some £7.6m was put into the local economy as a result of events held – around 25 times the original target figure. And more than 37,000 people booked overnight accommodation for those events, compared to a target figure of 5,000.

“It is clear from these statistics that cultural activity can be a driver of both economic regeneration and tourism. What should also not be forgotten is the enjoyment that thousands of people got from attending, or participating in, events that were part of the council’s contribution to Homecoming 2009.

“The feedback we received from those people who became involved was overwhelmingly enthusiastic and positive, and I’m delighted that the Year of Homecoming proved to be such a success for the area as a whole.”

Brussels Seafood Exhibition

HIE Press Release...

Highlands and Islands companies to showcase at world's largest seafood fair

Seafood business from the Highlands and Islands are grasping the opportunity to give Europe and beyond a flavour of what they have to offer when they showcase their produce at the European Seafood Exposition 2010 in Brussels.

The world's largest seafood fair which takes place April 27-29 attracts around 24,000 buyers from over 140 countries around the world and features stands from over 1600 exhibitors. It provides key opportunities for businesses to set out their stalls on an international stage and to develop commercial links with the seafood industry.

Seven companies from the Highlands and Islands will be among 17 Scottish seafood companies exhibiting on the Scottish Pavilion this week at the seafood exposition.

Iain Sutherland from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) will be attending the event. He said: "The Highland and Islands is home to some of the finest seafood on this planet. The number of Highlands and Islands companies which return, year on year, to exhibit at the European Seafood Expo is hard proof of the benefits to be won. It is vital for producers selling quality seafood to showcase their products to the right audience and so we have an excellent Highlands and Islands representation at this influential event in the seafood industry's calendar."

Supported by HIE, Scottish Development International and the Scottish Government, those attending from the Highlands and Islands include Lighthouse Caledonia who have attended the event for the past two years.

Su Cox, Communications Manager a Lighthouse Caledonia, Scotland's largest independent salmon farming company, said: "The European Seafood Exhibition (ESE) is a key date in the seafood industry calendar and we are delighted to be joining the Scottish delegation at this event. It attracts thousands of influential delegates and it is vitally important to have a presence at this show.

"As Scotland's largest independent salmon farming company, the ESE is a unique opportunity to highlight the quality of our Scottish industry and how it stands apart from its competitors giving us the opportunity to promote the superior quality of our Scottish salmon to the international marketplace."

The Scottish Pavilion includes a seafood bar managed by Seafood Scotland, showcasing the best of Scottish seafood allowing international buyers to view and taste the variety and superb quality of produce available from Scotland.

Other companies exhibiting on the Scottish pavilion are organic salmon supplier Framgord based in Shetland; ScoFro and Highland Smoked Salmon from Fort William; Lossie Seafoods Ltd of Buckie; SeaProducts of Scotland which have marine farms in Lochgilphead and Shetland; salmon farming company Wester Ross Fisheries; and Lighthouse Caledonia which have salmon farms and processing plants across the Highlands and Islands.


Companies exhibiting on the Scottish Pavilion expect to generate sales leading in excess of £20 million.

A record year is forecast as demand for quality Scottish produce continues to outstrip supply. The value of business generated from the exhibition has increased year-on-year recently, rising from £16m in 2007 to £20m in 2009.

Sales resulting from last year's attendance were generated from around £400,000 of public/private investment in the Scottish Pavilion, providing a direct return to the Scottish Economy of £50 for every £1 spent.

RBS Screen Machine

Monday 26, Tuesday 27, Wednesday 28 Apri
Opp Ramsay Hall – PORT ELLEN


Director: Tim Burton.
Starring: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Crispin Glover, Matt Lucas, Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen, Alan Rickman.
Genre: Adventure, Family.
Plot: 19-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny: to end the Red Queen's reign of terror.
As Burtonesque as one could wish for, a real treat for fans of his twisted imagination and great British character actors.. Angie Errigo – Empire magazine
Alice in Wonderland

SHUTTER ISLAND (15) 138mins
Director: Martin Scorsese.
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Max von Sydow, Michelle Williams, Emily Mortimer,
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Plot: Drama is set in 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels is investigating the disappearance of a murderess who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane and is presumed to be hiding on the remote Shutter Island.
DiCaprio delivers a startling pretty boy-to-tough nut makeover – but he has to play it close to his chest here for the storyline to play out. Once you get past the trickery, Shutter Island offers sumptuous, enthralling, shivery gothic filmmaking with a hardboiled heart and a sly line in asylum humour. If a pot is being boiled, at least it’s an intricately-decorated pot on a spectacular fire. 4* Kim Newman - Empire magazine
Shutter Island

CRAZY HEART (15) 128mins
Director: Scott Cooper.
Starring: Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Keane, Paul Herman, Rick Dial,
Genre: Drama, Music, Romance
Plot: A faded country music musician is forced to reassess his dysfunctional life during a doomed romance that also inspires him. Jeff Bridges won the 2010 Oscar for Best Actor in this role.
A phenomenal, heart-breaking performance from Jeff Bridges powers this simple but affecting redemption story. 4* Nev Pierce – Empire Magazine
Crazy Heart


Tha Fèis Chataibh uabhasach toilichte an “Seachdain Samhraidh” bliadhnail a chur air bhog ann an Cataibh. ’S e tachartas cunbhalach air mìosachan na h-ealain do dh'òigridh, bidh an tachartas a’ tairgse tòrr diofar chur-seachadan gus deagh thoiseach-thòiseachaidh a thoirt do làithean-saora an t-samhraidh.

Stèidhichte ann an Àrd-sgoil Ghoillspidh, bidh an Fhèis a’ tairgse theagasg ann an ceòl, òrain, dannsa, dràma, ealain agus ag innse sgeulachdan do gach neach òg eadar 8 is 18 bliadhna a dh’aois a bharrachd air taghadh de thachartasan feasgar cuideachd. Tha Fèis Chataibh airson daoine òga bho a h-uile diofar shuidheachadh
a tharraing gu h-àraidh ma tha ùidh aca anns na sgilean ciùil traidiseanta agus stòrasan-fuinn aca àrdachadh agus ‘s dòcha rudeigin ùr fheuchainn.

A-measg nan luchd-teagaisg a bhios còmhla riutha am bliadhna, tha Mike Vass agus Dave Wood bhon chòmhlan-ciùil Malinky, Jenn Butterworth bhon Rachel Hair Trio, Mairearad Green a bhios a’ cluich gu tric còmhla ri Anna Massie agus chaidh i a bhòtadh mar “sgrìobhaiche-ciùil na bliadhna” anns na Duaisean Ciùil Traidiseanta an-uiridh, cuide ri Calum Stiùbhart à Sgìre-Mhoireibh a bhios a’ cluich gu tric air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa.

Bha Cataibh a-riamh fortanach gun robh traidisean làidir ag innse sgeulachdan aca agus a’ cumail ris an neart seo bidh Jane Bregazzi còmhla riutha a-rithist mar neach-teagaisg ealain agus ag innse sgeulachdan. A bharrachd air seo bidh beartas tàlant ionadail bho air feadh Cataibh ann a’ gabhail a-staigh Jennifer Port, Lynne agus Suzanne Houston, Wendy NicAoidh agus Cailean MacIlleathain à Baile Dhubhthaich agus mòran a bharrachd!

Thuirt Iain Moireach, Cathraiche na Comataidh, “Tha sinn uabhasach pròiseil às na chaidh a choileanadh aig Fèis Chataibh. Tha an t-seachdain air fad gu math brosnachail agus tha sinn air leth fortanach leis an taic a gheibh sinn bhon choimhearsnachd. Tha an t-seachdain air fad air a cuideachadh gu mòr le buidheann mhath de phàrantan agus luchd-thoilich a tha a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil tòrr spòrs aig na daoine òga. Am bliadhna, tha sinn cuideachd a’ cur an tachartas air an làrach sòisealta Facebook. Chithear na tha sinn ris le a bhith a’ clàradh mar aon de na caraidean againn an sin. Bidh an sgioba de luchd-teagaisg agus na tachartasan eile ri tighinn air an cur suas air an làrach seo.”

Airson fiosrachadh air iarrtasan cuir fios gu Allison Watson air allisonwatson@talktalk.net


Thursday 29 April at 9pm on BBC ALBA

It is the stuff of fiction. A man saves the life of a prince – and dies in exile and poverty, while his son rises to fame and fortune and returns to Scotland in triumph.

Presented by John Morrison, Dòmhnallaich na Frainge, on BBC ALBA on Thursday 29 April at 9pm, this historical re-investigation sheds new light on the ’45 rebellion – and reveals the extraordinary story of a Hebridean father and son who played key roles in both Highland and French History.

Marshal Jacque Etienne Alexander MacDonald was the son of notable Jacobite secret agent, Neil MacEachen who was born in Howbeg South Uist in 1719. He had left Scotland to train as a priest in Paris but instead enlisted as a Jacobite agent and French army officer. He fought at Culloden and was with Bonnie Prince Charlie and Flora MacDonald when they fled ‘Over the Sea to Skye’ and was instrumental in securing the Prince’s escape from Scotland. He died a pauper in France in 1788 but left behind a remarkable son.

The young Jacques MacDonald joined the French and quickly rose to become a General. He was a key supporter of Napoleon and became a Marshall and Duke of Tarentum. He remained loyal to Napoleon and negotiated his exile to Elba. It was MacDonald who, in the name of the French army, accepted Napoleon’s abdication at Fontainebleau in 1814.

In 1825, Marshal MacDonald decided to visit the land of his ancestors where he was feted by the establishment and by the people alike. He died in 1840 and is buried in Paris.

The BBC ALBA programme, produced by Caledonia TV and previously broadcast on BBC Scotland, coincides with a series of events which are set to take place in Howbeg, South Uist on Friday 30 April and which aim to celebrate the French MacDonalds and their links with the Western Isles. Events are planned to commemorate the birth-place of Neil MacEachen at Howbeg, South Uist, to coincide with launch of new edition of ‘The French MacDonald’ with Jean-Didier Hache, as well as the unveiling of a plaque attended by representatives of the French General Consul in Scotland, and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.


BBC ALBA is delighted to announce today (April 27th) that it will be broadcasting a special programme from this year’s 30th Shetland Folk Festival.

A special one hour concert featuring the legendary Fiddlers’ Bid from Shetland, as they stage a very special performance live to their home audience to mark the 30th Annual Shetland Folk Festival, will be produced by Bees Nees for BBC ALBA.

The festival, showcasing the best folk music from around the globe, is taking place from 29 April – 2 May with Fiddler’s Bid performing at the sold out Clickimin Concert on Saturday 1 May. Popular presenter Mary Ann Kennedy will host the Fiddlers’ Bid show for broadcast on BBC ALBA on 31 July, the eve of the band’s 20th anniversary.

Alan Esslemont, head of content for BBC ALBA, said: “We are delighted to be working together with Bees Nees and the festival organisers to showcase folk music through coverage of this outstanding festival. Shetland is renowned for its unique musical heritage and rich fiddle tradition and we are extremely excited to offering a special one hour show dedicated to Fiddlers’ Bid, the leading exponents of Shetland’s folk music.

“In the year that the festival celebrates its 30th year we are pleased to be continuing our commitment to event-based music coverage which appeals to a wide audience base of music fans tuning in to BBC ALBA.”

Since their formation in 1991, Fiddlers' Bid has played an extremely important role in the success of numerous Shetland Folk Festivals. They have acted as global ambassadors for the Festival and Shetland as a whole, as they’ve astounded audiences all over the world with their expressive, high-energy music and performances.

With five albums to date, their most recent release 'All Dressed in Yellow' has won them the prestigious Album of the Year Award at the MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards in November 2009. It has also garnered rave reviews as their finest album to date.

The Fiddlers’ Bid programme, produced by Bees Nees and directed by Bridget Caldwell, will be broadcast on BBC ALBA at 9pm on Saturday 31 July, offering viewers exclusive coverage of the band’s performance along with special interviews and audience commentary.

BBC ALBA – WEEKLY PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Saturday, 8 May – Friday, 14 May, 2010

Title: Colin and Cumberland

Enter the world of Aberant and help Colin overcome various obstacles by learning Gaelic. Ideal for complete beginners to the Gaelic language.

Transmitted: Monday 10th May 2010 – Thursday 13th May 2010
Time: 19:50

Title: Trusadh - Elderly Workers

Many people are working longer than ever. Gone are the days when women retired at 60 and men retired at 65. For a variety of reasons people continue to work beyond the retirement age. "Trusadh" meets people in different lines of work and discovers why they wish to continue working instead of taking it easy.

Transmitted: Monday 10th May 2010
Time: 21:00

Title: Talamh Tròcair / Revealing Scotland’s Past

Exploring archaeology around Scotland. The final programme of the series, the theme this week is "ritual" archaeology which features current thinking on some of the unusual ancient burial practices and a recently discovered cemetery in Skye dating back to a Scotland of 4000 years ago.

Transmitted: Tuesday 11th May 2010
Time: 20.30

Title: Soillse – Wings over Antartica

Toni, Santi and Alvaro, three professional skydivers face the ultimate challenge: flying over Antarctica - a feat that nobody had achieved before.

Transmitted: Wednesday 12th May 2010
Time: 21:00

Title: Taghadh bho na Trads

Kathleen MacInnes with more great music from the winners of Na Trads.

Transmitted: Friday 14th May 2010
Time: 22:00