Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Jamie McGrigor, Highlands & Islands MSP, praised BBC Alba in yesterday evening’s Member’s debate on the channel.

Jamie’s colleague Ted Brocklebank had his Member’s debate on the subject of BBC Alba.

Ted’s motion was: S3M-06991# Ted Brocklebank (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party): Congratulations to BBC Alba— That the Parliament congratulates the BBC Alba partnership on two years of what it considers to be its groundbreaking achievements in Gaelic broadcasting, including securing exclusive coverage of Scottish football, rugby and national cultural events; believes that BBC Alba has established itself as a cornerstone of public service broadcasting and an important source of commissioning revenue for the independent production sector, and would welcome steps for the widening of the distribution of BBC Alba by licensing its transmission on Freeview, the popular digital television platform, so as to allow full access to it for viewers throughout Scotland.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Elizabeth Smith, Nanette Milne, Dr Alasdair Allan, Bill Aitken, Jamie McGrigor, Robin Harper, Murdo Fraser, Brian Adam, Bill Kidd, Pauline McNeill, Gil Paterson, Sandra White, Mary Scanlon, John Park, Ken Macintosh, Stuart McMillan, Dave Thompson, Linda Fabiani, Johann Lamont, Cathy Jamieson

Please see below Jamie’s speech.

Jamie McGrigor (Highlands and Islands) (Con): I am delighted to speak in tonight's debate, and I congratulate my friend Ted Brocklebank on securing it. It is of particular importance and interest to many of my constituents in the Highlands and Islands, especially in Stornoway and the Western Isles, where I started my political career in 1996. I remember that I had a leaflet printed that said that the Conservatives had put £16 million into Gaelic. I wanted to emphasise that, so I got it translated into Gaelic. Unfortunately, the translator got the word for million wrong, and there was an article in the next Sunday Express that said that the Conservatives were putting £16 billion into Gaelic. I do not know what the TaxPayers Alliance would have thought of that—although it did me no harm.

The Scottish Conservatives have always been supportive of BBC Alba, and I pay tribute to all those who work for the channel and their achievements over the past two years. It really is an interesting channel. We agree with Bòrd na Gàidhlig that support for BBC Alba is essential for Gaelic's future and that its availability on Freeview is vital. The fact that BBC Alba is watched by many more people than there are Gaelic speakers is a strong demonstration of the quality of its programmes, but it remains a real concern that fewer than one in four television sets can receive it as it is currently available only on satellite and online platforms. That means that many of my constituents in the Highlands and Islands, many of whom are Gaelic speakers, are excluded from BBC Alba. That is surely unacceptable, and it must be addressed by the BBC trust.

All of us are impatient for a statement by the BBC trust, and we expect one before the end of the month. Given that we are going through the changeover from analogue to digital, now seems a good time for BBC Alba to be transmitted on Freeview. Many more viewers would be given access to BBC Alba who cannot get it on the ordinary analogue channels at the moment. When the BBC trust finally makes a decision—we hope that it will be positive—the channel can expect to gain an additional 150,000 to 180,000 viewers. The number of people who might lose their television radio, so to speak, is probably only about 3,000 or 4,000. That would be difficult for them, but they could always tune in somewhere else and it would be marvellous how many more viewers would be able to see BBC Alba.

In preparing for today's debate, I consulted my friend and constituent Brigadier John MacFarlane, who sings in the Taynuilt Gaelic choir. He rightly emphasised how beneficial BBC Alba had been in furthering youth interest in Gaelic culture, in the development of the language and in increasing people's vocabulary. He also praised the range and quality of the programmes on BBC Alba, describing "Eòrpa" as one of the best and most authoritative current affairs programmes available.

In a very short time, BBC Alba has established a formidable reputation and is rightly seen as one of the best ways of sustaining and promoting our Gaelic heritage, culture and language. We look to the BBC trust to take account of the consensus of people across Scotland and the political will of all parties in the Parliament by ensuring that more people can enjoy the channel by allowing it to be made available on Freeview.


BBC ALBA’s autumn programme launch was celebrated today (Thursday) at BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay, Glasgow, with an exciting schedule of new programmes being unveiled.

Two years on, the channel’s premier package of new programmes continues to provide a range of high quality, distinctive, Scottish programming covering the full spectrum of genres, including daily news, documentaries, factual series, current affairs and religion, entertainment and lifestyle, music, children and youth programming and sports coverage.

The channel has made a positive impact on broadcasting in Scotland since its launch, and this year’s Autumn schedule highlights its significant contribution to the independent production sector.

In 2009, BBC ALBA was proud to be the biggest commissioner of independent production hours in Scotland with over 260 hours of new programming being produced across all genres.

This year, the channel will broadcast 620 hours of new programmes with over 400 being supplied through MG ALBA funded commissions for BBC ALBA, of which over 70% are from independent production companies. Work has been commissioned from 20 such companies including Sorbier Productions, TernTV, Bees Nees, MacTV, mneTV, Pure Magic Films, Madmac Productions to name but a few, as well as series from both Scottish broadcasters STV and the BBC.

Some highlights from the BBC ALBA schedule over the new season include:

Dìleas/Working Dogs: a new series exploring the world of working dogs featuring dogs like Buddy, who with his handler goes in search of illegal drugs, as well as Mitch and Jay, Scotland's only ‘accelerant detector dogs’ working with Central Scotland Fire and Rescue Service.

Partick/Partaig: Renowned over the years as being a focal point for Gaels in Glasgow, the Partick area of the city features in a new series and follows Gaels from all walks of life as they go about their daily routines exploring how much of the area’s rich Gaelic identity remains today.

Ruadh/Ginger Gene: Scotland, with 13%, has the highest concentration of redheads per head of population anywhere in the world. And almost half of Scots carry the ginger gene. As a proud redhead Catriona MacPhee finds out what lies behind the statistics. It’s a fascinating story about evolution, genetics, the complexity of prejudice, the roots of identity, and EVEN the threat of extinction. For Catriona it’s a story of family and ancestry. In Ginger Gene she tells her story, exploring her roots and discovering the importance of being red.

Thar an Aiseig/Ferry Tales: the new series Ferry Tales, filmed over 12 months, takes a colourful look at the challenges of running and relying upon the open waves and waterways of Scotland. We meet the crew and the passengers (not all human!), for whom ferries are a part of daily living. What happens when the engines fail and hundreds of passengers are marooned? Will an expectant mother have to wake the ferryman in the middle of the night in order to make the hospital on time? And will our only ferry-woman pass her exams and give her male crew members a run for their money?

Music: Music festivals and events recorded throughout Scotland are at the core of BBC ALBA’s music offering with traditional, celtic, country and the best of indie music all feature; programmes include Horo Gheallaidh and Tìr nan Òran/Heartland Song, celebrating the BBC’s Year of Gaelic Song.

Margaret Mary Murray, Head of Service for BBC ALBA, said: “BBC ALBA is a Gaelic language channel with unique programmes aimed at audiences in Scotland. It has been extremely successful since its inception and has been popular with both Gaelic and non-Gaelic audiences across the whole of Scotland and we look forward to bringing viewers some exciting new programmes produced by the superb creative talent that is so evident in Scotland.”

Alan Esslemont, Head of Content for BBC ALBA, said: “We are hugely excited about the suite of new programmes lined up for autumn and winter viewing. An array of factual programming will feature on BBC ALBA, including the new ‘Working Dogs’ series and an intriguing look at the ‘Ginger Gene’, as well as the award winning Eòrpa current affairs series, along with children’s favourites Peppa Pig and De a-nis?. Exclusive coverage of traditional music and cultural events from across the country will continue and sport remains a popular strand on the channel with the introduction of professional rugby this season being very well received by viewers.”

Alasdair Morrison, Chairman of MG ALBA said: “The channel has made great progress over its first two years offering a rich content of programming across all genres and appealing to the Scotland-wide audience. I am also very pleased at the channel’s contribution to the creative sector and helping boost the broadcasting industry in Scotland through commissions from independent producers.

“We are now at a crucial stage of the channel’s development awaiting the impending decision from the BBC Trust as to whether BBC ALBA will be made available on the Freeview platform which would allow us to achieve greater viewer access for all in Scotland.”

BBC ALBA is delivered through the partnership set up between the BBC and MG ALBA, the Gaelic Media Service, a unique broadcasting partnership providing a successful public service.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig misneachail le adhartas foghlaim

Tha e nas cudromaiche na bha e riamh gum bi Bòrd na Gàidhlig ag obair gu dlùth còmhla ri buidhnean saor-thoileach anns a’ choimearsnachd agus le ùghdarrasan ionadail airson foghlam Gàidhlig a leudachadh, a-rèir Cathraiche a’ Bhùird Art MacCarmaig. A’ bruidhinn aig An t-Alltan - co-chruinneachadh de luchd-teagaisg agus daoine an-sàs ann am foghlam ann an Inbhir Nis, thuirt an Cathraiche gur ann ann tro cho-obrachadh èifeachdach a-mhàin a ghabhas ro-innleachdan a lìbhrigeadh.

Bhon chaidh an athaisg Ginealach Ùr na Gàidhlig fhoillseachadh leis a’ Bhòrd grunn mhìosan air ais, thathas air a bhith an coluadar le buidhnean Gàidhlig mun dòigh san gabh na h-amasan anns an athaisg coileanadh. Thuirt Mghr MacCarmaig: “Le bhith a’ cur an gnìomh Ginealach Ùr na Gàidhlig chan eil sinn a’ cur air cùl ri na molaidhean farsaing anns a’ Phlana Nàiseanta. Bidh sinn fhathast a’ togail inbhe agus ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig, a’ toirt taic do na h-ealan Gàidhlig, do rannsachadh agus do dh’fhoghlam aig àrd ìre tro na colaistean agus oilthighean a tha a’ dèanamh obair air leth feumail. Ach tha Ginealach Ùr na Gàidhlig ag amas gu sònraichte air leasachaidhean ann an trì roinnean deatamach: Foghlam ro-sgoile; Cothroman ionnsachaidh do dh’inbhich agus Foghlam anns na sgoiltean. Feumaidh sinn a-nise compàirteachasan èifeachdach a chur air dòigh airson foghlam Gàidhlig leudachadh aig gach ìre.”

Thuirt an Cathraiche gum biodh am Bòrd for-ghnìomach agus dèanadach anns na raointean sin. Chaidh sgioba foghlaim a’ Bhùird a neartachadh le Oifigear Trusadh Luchd-teagaisg agus Oifigear Leasachaidh Foghlaim mar tha, agus bidh Leasaiche ùr Foghlaim aca a dh’aithghearr air ceann an sgioba.

Thuirt Mghr MacCarmaig: “Tha mi airson a bhith soilleir nach eil sinn idir a’ cur cùl ris na buidhnean ionadail a tha ag obair gu cruaidh ann am foghlam ro-sgoile, ged tha cuid a’ cumail a-mach gu bheil. Tha sinn mothachail air na daoine saor-thoileach a tha a’ ruith croileagan agus a’ togail àireamhan chloinne - a’ mhòr chuid a bhios a’ dol air adhart gu foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha feum air taic nas fhèarr airson na roinne chudromach seo le barrachd chloinne a’ dol a-steach dha na buidhnean agus seirbheis nas fheàrr a bhith aig pàrantan airson foghlam ro-sgoile tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a dhèanamh nas tarraingaiche dhaibh. Bidh bunait againn an uair sin àireamhan a leudachadh aig ìre bunsgoiltean agus àrd-sgoiltean, far a bheil barrachd chuspairean tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a dhìth air stèidh nas fheàrr.”

Thug an Cathraiche cuideachd gun robh fios ann gu bheil corra àite ann far a bheil clasaichean ann le àireamhan miannach beag a ghabhadh lìonadh gun chosgais sam bith a bharrachd agus thuirt e: “Cha bu chòir foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a bhith a’ cosg barrachd do dh’ughdarrasan ionadail ach far a bheil ionad ùr air a stèidheachadh le àireamh beag chloinne an toiseach,” thuirt e. “Cho luath ’sa tha àireamhan chloinne ann an clasaichean Gàidhlig co-ionnan ris na h-àireamhan ann an clasaichean Beurla, bu chòir dha na cosgaisean a bhith an ìre mhath co-ionnan. Feumaidh an Sgeama Tabhartasan Sònraichte sam àm ri teachd a bhith air a cleachdadh airson tuilleadh leudachaidh a dhèanamh agus dleastanas air comhairlean clann fhoghlamachadh anns a’ Ghàidhlig no anns a’ Bheurla.

Dhainginich an Cathraiche beachd a’ Bhùird gu bheil feum air an àireamh de sgoiltean Gàidhlig àrdachadh bho dhà gu sia. “Tha sin gu math follaiseach mar amas aig a’ Bhòrd ann an Ginealach Ùr na Gàidhlig agus tha sinn gu math mothachail air an t-suidheachadh eaconamach. Chan ann a-mhain mu dheidhinn àireamhan luchd-labhairt àrdachadh a tha na h-amasan sin. Tha sinn cuideachd ag iarraidh sùil a chumail air an ìre de dh’fhileantachd a tha clann a ruighinn, agus sin a neartachadh. Feumaidh sinn coimhead air dè tha foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a’ ciallachadh airson bun-stèidh a thoirt do dh’ùghdarrasan ionadail agus do na sgoiltean fhèin air na toraidhean a bhitheamaid a’ suileachadh bhuaithe.”


Date: Saturday 16 October – Friday 22 October 2010

Title: Scottish Premier League - Aberdeen V Hearts

The latest full-match coverage from the SPL as Aberdeen host Hearts at Pittodrie.

Transmitted: Saturday 16th October 2010
Time: 17:30

Title: Alleluia!/Spiritual Music & Verse

In the first programme of a new series of Alleluia, the spiritual programme, Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association performs "Sìos dhan Abhainn", and Norrie MacIver and Sineag MacIntyre sing Psalm 130. Alasdair MacAulay talks about the role his faith has played in his life. The programme is presented by Iain MacKinnon.

Transmitted: Sunday 17th October 2010
Time: 19:30

Title: Tir nan Oran/Heartland Song

As part of the BBC’s Year of Gaelic Song, Tìr nan Òran (Heartland Song) brings you five of the most popular songs from Lewis, including performances from Catriona Watt and Donnie & Margaret MacLeod. The series is narrated by popular Gaelic singer Kirsteen MacDonald.

Transmitted: Monday 18th October 2010
Time: 20:30

Title: Partaig

Partick; once a focal point for Gaels coming to Glasgow, a home away from home. But what does the Partick of today look like and
does it still retain a Gaelic identity? This series follows Gaels across the generations as they go about their daily lives in Partick.

Transmitted: Monday 18th October 2010
Time: 22:00

Title: Dileas/Working Dogs

Exploring the work of Scotland's police dogs. Springer spaniel Buddy and his handler go in search of illegal drugs while Blade provides essential back up for the tactical firearms team.

Transmitted: Tuesday 19th October 2010
Time: 20:30

Title: Aonghas Padraig Caimbeul - Meas air Chrannaibh/Angus Peter Campbell

Angus Peter Campbell discusses his life, and his work, in a frank and open interview with Father Colin MacInnes. Starting with Angus Peter's roots in South Uist, he charts his early success as a journalist at Grampian TV, through turbulent years battling alcohol addiction, to his acclaimed success as a novelist, actor and poet.

With performances from Mary Ann Kennedy, Michael Marra, Cathy MacDonald and AL Kennedy, this celebration of modern Gaelic writing is a treat not to be missed.

Transmitted: Thursday 21st October 2010
Time: 21:00

Title: Air an Rathad

It's more cars, camera, action with the 'Air an Rathad' crew in a brand new series.

Fiona gets lost on Harris and Murray is all at sea when the two go head to head in an intriguing challenge. Murray has come up with a test to find out whether a more ancient form of transport could possibly be a faster way to get around the Western Isles, than a super-fast, boy racer's car.

Louise tops up her racing skills with one of Knockhill's top instructors and gets the chance to live her dream behind the wheel of a Formula One car. How does she perform in the wet?

Calum Iain has never been happier as he puts the brand new top of the range Jaguar XJ Supercharged V8 Supersport through its paces. He discovers levels of comfort previously unknown to him in his Mark 2 Escort.

And we welcome in Wacky Races - a brand new feature where our presenters battle it out on the race track, competing against each other in a driving challenge. Each challenge has a twist - but what is it?

Transmitted: Thursday 21st October 2010
Time: 22:00

Title: Live Rugby - Edinburgh V Ulster

Live Magners League coverage as Edinburgh travel to Ravenhill to face Ulster.

Transmitted: Friday 22nd October 2010
Time: 19:00


NFUS has welcomed the official opening, today (Mon 11 October), of the new Roseisle malt whisky distillery in Speyside. The £40 million distillery, which is the first of this scale to be built in Scotland in over 30 years, is part of a £100 million investment programme in Scotch whisky by Diageo.

The whisky sector in Scotland accounts for over 30 per cent of the Scottish food and drink total turnover of approximately £10 billion and is a vital and thriving part of the wider industry.

Speaking from the distillery Allan Bowie, NFUS Vice-President, said:

“ We don’t often hear the news of a new distillery opening, particularly one of this scale, and so the launch of Diageo’s Roseisle malt whisky distillery in Speyside is particularly welcome.

“Capital investment is always needed in Scotland, and Diageo have really put their money where their mouth is here by investing heavily in the area. The new distillery goes a long way to add weight to their presence in Scotland, and from an agricultural perspective this can only be a good thing.

“Diageo have been at pains to make known their commitment to Scottish farmers and the quality Scottish grain those farmers are known for producing. The investment in the future of Speyside at Roseisle is a clear sign that this commitment is definitely there and set to continue.

“The hope for the future is, of course, that the distillery does well and inspires continued investment in Scotland’s whisky industry”


Monitoring work undertaken by the Councils Environmental Health service has identified raised levels of naturally occurring algal toxins currently in some lochs in Argyll and Bute. The table under noted summarises the current status on the above date:-

Loch Fyne: Stonefield - re-opened 8 October

Colonsay, The Strand and Islay, Gruinart – re-opened 4 October

Loch Striven – closed 15 July

West Loch Tarbert – closed 6 October

Loch Na Keal and Ulva – closed 7 October

Loch a Chumhainn, Isle of Mull – closed 7 October

Eating shellfish such as cockles, mussels or razor fish from these areas may pose a risk to human health and notices to warn the public and casual gatherers have been posted at various locations on the shore. Commercial shellfish harvesters in these areas have been contacted by the Council and steps taken to postpone harvesting until algae levels subside.

It is a sensible precaution to avoid eating shellfish from these areas until further notice.

Monitoring work is currently being undertaken by the Council to evaluate this situation and when the situation subsides, the warning notices etc will be removed.

For further information, please contact Protective Services, Tel: 01631 567920.


Saturday 23 October – Friday 29 October 2010

Title: Scottish Premier League - Hamilton V St Johnstone

The latest full-match coverage from the SPL as Hamilton host St Johnstone at New Douglas Park.

Transmitted: Saturday 23rd October 2010
Time: 17:30

Title: Live Rugby - Glasgow V Ospreys

Live Magners League coverage as Glasgow host Ospreys at Firhill Stadium.

Transmitted: Sunday 24th October 2010
Time: 16:05

Title: Trusadh - Fuil agus Luaidhe/Blood and Lead

Scottish Gypsy traveller, Roseanna McPhee, who has fought passionately for the rights of her community in Scotland, makes an emotional journey to Kosovo to examine the plight of the Roma people in Mitrovica.

Having been forced to flee from their homes during the war 10 years ago, many of them were placed in "temporary" camps near Mitrovica, but the camps were built on land contaminated by what was Europe's largest lead mine. Most are still there and much of the population suffer from chronic lead poisoning, particularly the children.

Accompanied by experienced tv journalist, Derek MacKay, this combination of a passionate, amateur observer with an objective and experienced journalist provides a unique perspective on the plight of Mitrovica's Roma, and the attempts of a Scottish Gypsy traveller to help those with whom she feels a sense of kinship.

Transmitted: Monday 25th October 2010
Time: 21:00

Title: Ceol Country/Caithness Country Music Festival

Anne Morrison brings you some musical highlights from the Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Festival. Among the artists showcased at the festival are local band Slange Ava, international singer Leona Williams and Irishman Brendan Quinn. In addition to the music, Anne visits a local Heritage Centre in Wick where she explores some interesting exhibits.

Transmitted: Tuesday 26th October 2010
Time: 21:00

Title: Soillse - Briseadh nan Long/Iron Crows

Everyday some 20,000 people in Chittagong, a small port city of southern Bangladesh risk their lives for two dollars. They dismantle retired old ships from all over the world. An average of 20 workers die in Chittagong every year.

Despite the harsh working environment, full of contaminants and toxic gases, the ships are gifts from God. Soillse speaks to Belal, 21, skilled worker Rufik, 32, and child labourer Ekramul, 12, to gain an insight into the heart-breaking story of their lives with breathtaking views of the ship breaking yards.

Transmitted: Wednesday 27th October 2010
Time: 21:00

Title: Club TV

Exclusive interviews, match action, and behind the scenes news and features at Celtic and Rangers F.C.

Transmitted: Thursday 28th October 2010
Time: 21:00

Title: Live Rugby - Scarlets V Glasgow

Live Magners League coverage as Glasgow travel to Wales to face the Scarlets at the Parc y Scarlets stadium.

Transmitted: Friday 29th October 2010
Time: 20:00

Title: Grinn/Makeover

Lisa MacNeil and Robert MacDonald get a new image from the Grinn team. Makeover show with Donna Macleod, Lynda Martin and John Bowers.

Transmitted: Friday 29th October 2010
Time: 22:00