Thursday 20 August 2009

Mather on ACHA

Jim Mather Argyll & Bute MSP, maintains that a partnership and
collaborative approach to tackling problems is generally the most
effective means of conflict resolution and deplores the confrontational
and oppositional tenor of the criticism offered by the MP for Argyll &
Bute to the funding of services for tenants in sheltered housing.

Jim Mather said:

"While, decisions on rent levels and service charges will always be a
matter for housing associations to determine, I have been calling for
the local Housing Associations to work more closely with the Council and
the NHS on this issue to ensure that the interests and needs of the
residents remain paramount. In particular, I have been keen to ensure
that any form-filling overhead and/or financial strain be removed from

To that end I have had positive and helpful responses from the Council
and ACHA as regards this present situation and now I have a response
from my colleague Alex Neil, MSP, Scottish Government Minister for
Housing & Communities that meets my belief that we can find such a
positive outcome. He too, "urges ACHA, Argyll and Bute Council and the
NHS to meet to ensure that services are maintained for elderly people,
and that elderly tenants are helped to take up the assistance available
to minimise form-filling and financial stress."

I now hope that we will move on swiftly to that outcome.

Meanwhile those who seek to whip up concerns, misrepresent the position
of others and create division will have to compare the results of their
approach to the benefits of cohesion and seeking to find lasting
collaborative solutions."