Monday 31 May 2010


Raised levels of naturally occurring algal toxins have been identified in two areas of Argyll and Bute.

Monitoring work undertaken by the council has found increased levels of the toxins at Stonefield on Loch Fyne, and in the Sound of Gigha.

Eating shellfish such as cockles, mussels or razor fish from these areas may pose a risk to human health, and notices to warn the public and casual gatherers have been posted at various locations on the shore.

Commercial shellfish harvesters in these areas have been contacted, and steps have been taken to postpone harvesting until algae levels subside.

The council continues to monitor the situation, and when the levels subside the warning notices and restrictions will be removed.

It is a sensible precaution to avoid eating shellfish from these areas until further notice. A futher statement will be issued when the levels have sufficiently dropped.

For further information, please contact the council’s environmental health team on 01631 567920