Monday 16 August 2010


Argyll and Bute Council says it "is to review its vision and values as part of its ongoing improvement journey."

Councillors are being asked to agree that the authority moves away from the current vision (Leading Rural Area) and instead discuss its proposed replacement – ‘Argyll and Bute - Realising our Potential Together.

The authority’s Executive will debate a report on the proposal, drawn up following a period of consultation with council employees and elected members as well as community planning partners, on August 12.

Leader of the council, Councillor Dick Walsh, said that any new vision should be ambitious yet realistic, and something which is meaningful to all the authority’s stakeholders.

“Argyll and Bute has significant potential on all levels, and has very strong partnership connections. With this in mind, I believe that the vision Argyll and Bute – Realising Our Potential Together underpins what we are trying to achieve and should be encouraging one another to achieve.

“This vision translates into all areas of service delivery and can easily be applied to everything we do towards ensuring that we are delivering best value services to all our stakeholders.

“I look forward to hearing my colleagues’ views on this proposal for what is a vital element of the council’s identity.”

The report also details four new values, drawn up on the basis of feedback received from employees. These state the way in which the council should act in achieving its outcomes and set the standard of behaviour expected throughout the organisation. They are:

We involve and listen to our customers and communities
We take pride in delivering best value services
We are open, honest, fair and inclusive
We respect and value everyone

If the Executive approves the report’s recommendations, the proposed new vision and values will go out for consultation with the public and other partners through the Local Area Community Planning Groups before being formally adopted.