Tuesday 1 February 2011

Council vacancies go online

Anyone who wishes to apply for jobs within Argyll and Bute Council can now do so at the click of a mouse, as all job vacancies are advertised on the My Job Scotland recruitment portal.

This change will bring many benefits to the recruitment process. Application forms can be filled out online, with applicants being informed about their progress via email. This minimises the paper, printing and postage costs that exist in the current recruitment process. Arranging interviews and notifying both successful and unsuccessful candidates can be done by email, allowing for further savings as well as quicker responses from both parties.

My job Scotland promotes local government as a dynamic career option, and is a cost effective way of creating a national platform of awareness of jobs in the council. This will allow a more competitive application process, with a wider variety of applicants to apply for jobs they previously would have had limited information on.

Jane Fowler, head of Improvement and Strategic HR said: “Using My Job Scotland will allow us to present the council as an interesting and regarding place to work on a national platform. As well as being cost effective, we will be able to attract a bigger variety of applicants offering different skills and experience, ensuring we have the capacity to get the best possible employees.

Anyone who would like to apply for jobs in Argyll and Bute Council needs to register on www.myjobscotland.gov.uk As well as allowing prospective candidates to apply for jobs with a variety of employers, the site provides the option to receive job alerts directly for future vacancies.

For people without access to emails, paper applications can be made available. Careers information will still be published on the council’s website.

For further information, visit www.argyll-bute.gov.uk or call the recruitment team on 01546 604286 or 01546 604034.