Title: Turas a' Bhradain/The Salmon's Journey
Another chance to see the final programme of series two of Turas a' Bhradain – a look at the stunning salmon rivers of Lewis and Harris.
Transmitted: Tuesday 26th April 2011
Time: 20:30
Title: Deasbad an Taghaidh/Election
A panel of political party representatives face an audience who are ready with questions on the party manifestos and the issues that matter to them in the election campaign.
Transmitted: Wednesday 27th April 2011
Time: 21:00
Title: Club TV
Exclusive interviews, match action, and behind the scenes at Celtic and Rangers F.C.
Transmitted: Thursday 28th April 2011
Time: 21:00
Title: Air an Urlar
A musical showcase from 2005 featuring talented youngsters and established performers. In this programme, singer Julie Fowlis takes centre stage.
Transmitted: Friday 29th April 2011
Time: 20:30