Monday, 31 October 2011

Colmcille a’ cur fàilte air tairgsean ùra airson pròiseactan choimhearsnachd

Tha Colmcille, prògram com-pàirteachais a bhios ag adhartachadh an dualchais chànanach is chultarach co-roinnte eadar Èirinn is Alba, air cuairt ùr maoineachaidh fhosgladh gus taic a chur ri iomairtean coimhearsnachd ùra, foghlam, na h-ealain, foillseachadh agus pròiseactan òigridh air feadh na h-Alba.

Colmcille welcomes new bids for community projects

Colmcille, a partnership programme which promotes the shared linguistic and cultural heritage of Ireland and Scotland, has opened a new round of funding to support new community initiatives, education, arts, publishing, and youth projects throughout Scotland.

For further information, please contact:
Steven MacIver, Communications and Corporate Affairs Officer at Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
E-Mail: Mobile: 07557 481 08