Friday, 24 July 2009

Bòrd na Gàidhlig supports....

Bòrd na Gàidhlig supports
Designer and Katherine Queen of Scots

Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the principal public agency with responsibility for developing Gaelic, and leading Scottish designer Sandra Murray MBE have collaborated with Miss Scotland to bring the best of Gaelic culture and fashion centre stage in Edinburgh at The Gathering 2009.
Sandra’s new bilingual website, created with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig will be going live on August 17. Meanwhile, she has enlisted the help of the current Miss Scotland Katherine Brown modelling a new version of her iconic trench coat, bra and shorts, in Modern Caledonia tartan by Lochcarron of Scotland.
A Gaelic Village (Ar Baile) has been set in two large marquees within the grounds of Holyrood Park and Sandra will be displaying her specially designed trench coat and, bra and shorts (modelled by current Miss Scotland Katherine Brown “Katherine, Queen of Scots”, at the Scottish Parliament earlier this week (see pictures attached, which are free to use). Also displayed will be Glasgow artist Helen Wilson’s painting of Sandra’s Highland 2007 outfit.
Sandra said: “I’m delighted to have been collaborating with Bòrd na Gàidhlig for this event and hope that this outfit demonstrates all the qualities Scots have inherited, warmth, as well as generosity of spirit and a sense of adventure. The inspiration for all of this work is entirely Scottish and it is made in Scotland. I am sure that everyone attending the gathering will realise the significance.”

The spectacular Clan Gathering events in Holyrood will be an ideal opportunity for many people to learn about their forebears’ part in the making of the new Scotland.
A series of newly commissioned display panels highlighting key aspects of Highland history and Gaelic culture, such as land, sea, community, arts, education and new lands, will ensure a warm welcome for visitors from overseas and those closer to home to experience the best of Gaelic music and song.
Gaelic signage and Gaelic commentary will have a high profile during all of the Gathering events, and will feature in the programming as well as on the large screen displays.
Visitors will be treated to a variety of exhibitions including Harris Tweed, language and heritage showcases and cultural entertainment. Talks on Gaelic awareness delivered by Roddy MacLean of Inverness on Saturday are sure to be a highlight for those wanting to expand their knowledge of the place Gaelic has in modern Scotland.
Full details of the Gaelic programme at The Gathering, which has been planned by Kristine Kennedy on behalf of Bòrd na Gàidhlig are available on the Gathering website HYPERLINK "" and Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s website HYPERLINK ""

Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig, agus tè de shàr-dhealbhadairean aodaich na h-Alba Sandra Mhoireach MBE air tighinn còmhla ri Miss Scotland a chur cultar agus fasainn na Gàidhlig an teis-mheadhain chùisean aig Co-Chruinneachadh mòr Dhun Èideann 2009.
Bidh an làrach lìn ùr dà-chànanach aig Sandra ‘ga fhoillseachadh air 17 Lùnastal, le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig. Anns an eadar-ama, tha i air a bhith a’ faighinn taic bho Miss Scotland, Katherine Brown, a th’air a bhith a’ sealltainn an aodaich ainmeil aig Sandra aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba – trusgan anns an tartan Caledonia Ùr-Nò air a dheasachadh le Lochcarran na h-Alba.
Tha baile Gàidhlig – Ar Baile – a-nis stèidhichte ann an dà phàilinn aig a’ Cho-Chruinneachadh agus bidh Sandra a’ coinneachadh ri luchd-tadhail an sin a bhruidheann mun chuid-aodaich ùr aice agus a cuid-obrach.
Thuirt Sandra: “Bidh mi fìor thoilichte a bhith an làthair aig a’ Cho-Chruinneachadh agus ag obair còmhla ris a’ Bhòrd airson an tachartais seo. Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil an trusgan seo a’ nochdadh buadhan mhuinntir na h-Alba – blàths agus fialaidheachd spioraid agus misneachd. Tha a h-uile càil a bhoinneas dhan seo stèidhichte agus air a chruthachadh ann an Alba fhèin. Tha mi cinnteach gum faigh daoine a thig a thadhal air na pàillinn tuigse nas fheàrr air ar n-eachdraidh nuair chì iad seo.”

Bidh deagh ìre follaiseachd aig sanasachd agus aithris anns a’ Ghàidhlig aig tachartasan a’ Chruinneachaidh, agus bidh Gàidhlig sa phrògram cho math ri bhith air a taisbeanadh air na sgàileanan mòra.
Tha baile Gàidhlig (Ar Baile) air a stèidheachadh ann an dà phàillean mhòr an taobh a-staigh fearann Pàirc an Ròid. Gheibh luchd-tadhail cothrom air measgachadh de thaisbeanaidhean a tha a’ gabhail a-steach Clò Hearach, mòr-thaisbeanaidhean cànain is cultair agus fèisteas cultarach. Thathar cinnteach gum bi còmhraidhean Disathairne mu mhothachadh don Ghàidhlig le Ruairidh MacIllEathain à Inbhir Nis, anabarrach tarraingeach dhaibhsan a tha airson an cuid fiosrachaidh a leudachadh mun àite a th’ aig Gàidhlig ann an Alba anns an latha an-diugh.
Tha fiosrachadh mu na tha a’ tachairt a thaobh na Gàidhlig aig a’ Cho-Chruinneachadh ri fhaighinn aig: HYPERLINK "", HYPERLINK "" agus HYPERLINK ""

Fiosrachadh eile:
Garment Description: Wool tartan trench coat, bra and hot pants in Modern Caledonia by Lochcarron of Scotland.  Fitted coat with feature fringing, lined in red cotton tulle, fastened with kilt straps . POA from Sandra Murray
Black suede boots ,Topshop; Green felt hat with plume, stylists own; Jewellery, vintage and Pellini, stylists own; Bag Tanner Krolle, Gauntlets, stylists own
Designer Sandra Murray MBE     HYPERLINK ""
Photographer Jonathan Root       HYPERLINK ""
Reivers Wool Tartanwww               HYPERLINK ""
Hair/Make Luke Walton,                 www.
Stylist Sandra Murray
Model Katharine Brown, Miss Scotland
Location   Scottish Parliament
Bòrd Na Gàidhlig HYPERLINK "" and