Tuesday 8 September 2009

Girlguiding Quiz:

1. When did Girl Guiding start?
2. What were Brownies originally called?
3. What was the first name of the World Chief Guide?
4. What is the Guide centre in Switzerland called?
5. Who founded Scouting and Guiding?
6. What name is given to 22nd February in the Guiding calendar, and why?
7. Who is the Patron of the Guide Association?
8. What are the youngest girls in Guiding called?
9. What shape is the Guide Promise badge?
10. What is the name of the highest badge you can gain in Guiding?
11. Where is Lord Baden-Powell buried?
12. What is the name of UK guiding’s centenary project?
To find out more about the Guide Movement log on to www.girlguiding.org.uk.

Answers (scroll down):

1. 1910.
2. Rosebuds
3. Olave
4. Our Chalet
5. Robert Baden Powell
6. Thinking Day - it was the joint birthday of the Chief Scout and the World Chief Guide
7. The Queen
8. Rainbows
9. Trefoil
10. The Queens Guide Badge
11. Kenya
12. Changing the World