Tuesday 8 September 2009

Mather Welcomes Recruitment of Local Energy Advisors

Jim Mather, MSP for Argyll & Bute has warmly welcomed the announcement from Scottish Gas, who since April 2009 have been responsible for managing Stage Four of the Scottish Government's Energy Assistance Package, that they are seeking to locally recruit self -employed Domestic Energy Advisors to carry out initial surveys for their new scheme. It is the aim of this scheme to reduce fuel poverty, maximise income and increase energy efficiency

Jim Mather said:

"I am pleased to see Scottish Gas seeking to use local labour to help them deliver this service in an effective and efficient way. The use of local labour carries benefits for the supplier and for the customer, not least being the fact that clients prefer a familiar face or name -someone whom they will have confidence in when they sign up to participate. A degree of local knowledge and an appreciation of the practical difficulties in delivering services in rural areas is also useful. Accredited Domestic Energy Advisors will require the necessary City & Guilds qualification to assess energy ratings of all types of domestic properties.

Scottish Gas Surveying Manager Nicola Mahmood is to host a recruitment open day on Thursday 17th September 2009, at the Caledonian Hotel Oban and those interested are encouraged to contact Scottish gas for further information."

Stage Four of the Energy Assistance Package offers support to homeowners and tenants of private sector landlords who live in an energy inefficient home - that is a home which has an energy rating of band F or below.

The qualifying eligibility criteria are as follows:
* The householder or their partner is aged 60 or over and does not have a central heating system in their home
* The householder or their partner is aged 75 or over
* The householder or their partner is aged 60 or over and is in receipt of a qualifying benefit
* The householder or their partner have a child under 5 and is in receipt of a qualifying benefit
* The householder or their partner have a disabled child under 16 and is in receipt of a qualifying benefit
* The householder or their partner is pregnant and is in receipt of a qualifying benefit
The qualifying benefits for Stage Four are as follows:
* Attendance Allowance
* Child Tax Credit - where relevant income is £17,474 or less
* Council tax benefit
* Housing benefit
* Income support
* Income-based jobseekers allowance
* Disability living allowance
* Disablement pension which includes a constant attendance allowance
* State Pension Credit - with Guaranteed element
* War disablement pension which includes a mobility supplement or a constant attendance allowance
* Working Tax Credit - where income is less than £17,474
* Employment and Support Allowance
Below are examples of what measures are available to eligible applicants:
* Installation of a new central heating system;
* Draught Proofing;
* Internal or external wall insulation;
* Cavity wall insulation;
* Loft insulation;
* Insulation of tanks and pipes