Friday 27 November 2009


Commenting on today’s announcement by Finance Secretary John Swinney regarding local government budget allocations, Argyll and Bute Council Leader, Councillor Dick Walsh, said:

“We always knew that this was going to be an extremely challenging budget, and that has been confirmed by the figures released today.

“The increase in Argyll and Bute’s allocation for 2010/11 amounts to some £6.3million. However, this needs to be looked at in the context of the significant budget pressures we face.

“We estimate that our cost pressures for next year are in the region of £14-£16million. So in real terms, we’re going to have to find savings of up to £10million.

“The figures released today are broadly in line with what we anticipated, and have been using during the service planning and budgeting process. Indeed, given the current financial climate, we are mindful that our settlement could have been worse than it is.

“We will now continue with the very challenging task of scrutinising all areas of the Council’s expenditure to ensure we are as efficient as possible and that our budget is directed to our core priorities.

“Identifying the required savings is obviously going to be difficult. However, we are confident that we will meet the challenges posed whilst continuing to work closely with our partners in delivering effective and efficient public services for the people of Argyll and Bute.”