Friday 27 November 2009


Argyll and Bute Council is making significant strides in its journey of improvement, according to independent auditors.

Grant Thornton UK LLP’s newly-published report was discussed at today’s full Council meeting.

The company looked into the Council’s financial statements as well as its corporate governance, performance and best value arrangements.

Its report highlights several key areas of improvement since a best value audit was published last December.

It confirms that the Council has responded positively to address the areas for improvement identified at that time, and has made good progress in implementing the improvement plan developed following chief executive Sally Loudon’s appointment in September 2008.

In particular, it recognises that the strategy implemented by Mrs Loudon has resulted in a significant improvement in the Council’s best value arrangements and has increased the pace of change and reform.

The report concludes by stating that it “regards the Council’s prospects for future improvement as good”.

Mrs Loudon praised staff who have worked so hard to drive through her improvement programme over the last year.

“It is extremely gratifying to learn that the work which everyone is putting in to improving the organisation is acknowledged and supported by independent experts,” she said.

“However, we will not take our foot off the pedal. While this report confirms that we are going in the right direction and at the right pace, there is no room for complacency.

“We understand the scale of our challenges we face and are fully committed to meeting them by being more efficient, more focussed and more flexible in the years ahead.”

Council Leader Dick Walsh said the report provided clear evidence that the improvement plan which the authority has embarked upon is having a significant effect.

“I am obviously delighted that the auditor has had so many positive things to say about the changes we have made and will continue to make,” Councillor Walsh added.

“But we are not bringing in these changes in order to get complimentary audit reports. We are bringing them in because we want to see real, measureable improvements in service delivery and service user satisfaction across Argyll and Bute.

“It is exciting for all of us that the measures we have taken so far have been effective, and I believe they lay a very strong foundation on which we can continue to build in the future.”