Title: Air an Urlar
A musical showcase from 2005 featuring talented youngsters and established performers. In this programme, the Fergie MacDonald band take to the stage.
Transmitted: Saturday 21 May
Time: 22:30
Title: Alleluia!
Iain MacKinnon presents a mix of hymns, psalms and faith stories. James Graham sings Seo an Gaol mar Mheud na Mara, Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association sing Psalm 66 and Lachie Gillies talks about the role faith has played in his own life.
Transmitted: Sunday 22 May
Time: 19:30
Title: Farpaisean Chon-Chaorach / Sheepdog trials
Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween present the first day of the 2009 Scottish National Sheepdog Trials from Annan.
Transmitted: Tuesday 24 May
Time: 21:00
Title: Soillse / Movies Across India
Are movie theatres the same the world over? Is buying a ticket all you need to do to share the audience's mood and reactions?
In India, a movie theatre is a place of worship as well as a place for escapism and dreams. Movies are the country's main social outlet and every showing starts with the playing of the national anthem.
Home to 14 million movie viewers and 12,000 movie theatres, it's a national obsession.
Transmitted: Wednesday 25 May
Time: 21:00
Title: A’ Fàgail Miughlaigh
One hour special documenting the legacy of the deserted Isle of Mingulay through history, story and song.
Transmitted: Thursday 26 May
Time: 21:00