Tuesday 3 November 2009


Jim Mather MSP, Argyll & Bute, has congratulated Islay and Jura Community Enterprises Ltd and Lochnell Primary, Benderloch on their successful applications to the Big Lottery Fund's 2014 programme. This programme aims to encourage more people to participate or volunteer in sport or physical activity as well as encouraging greater community cohesion in the run up to the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Jim Mather said:

"I commend Mr Gary Scott and his team, at the award winning Mctaggart Leisure Centre in Bowmore, in securing a £950 grant from BIG 2014 Communities Programme for their project focussing on swimming for disabled people. They are to be congratulated on continuing the dynamic team work for the community which established the Mctaggart Centre in the first place.

Also, well done to Lochnell Primary School's Mrs Kareen Ross who, together with staff and parents, has secured a grant of £1,000 to add netball to the many after-school activities on offer, thus, making physical activity more appealing and inclusive to a wider range of pupils.

These two groups have done Argyll & Bute proud by going the extra mile for their communities, bringing funds into the area in these difficult financial times and building a legacy of well-being, before and beyond the Commonwealth Games, which encapsulates the purpose this Big Lottery Fund's 2014 Communities Programme."