Thursday 5 November 2009


Jim Mather, MSP, for Argyll & Bute, has expressed the hope that planning
officials at Argyll & Bute Council can reach a pragmatic new
understanding regarding roadside advertising by small businesses across
the Oban and Lorn area. Several businesses have contacted him directly
about this, voicing concern about the threat to such business-critical
signage; particularly as some of them are under threat of summary
action by the council.

Jim Mather said,

"I am disappointed that the enforcement action on signage against
businesses is taking place without a more constructive debate as to how
we can boost local business; particularly when so many are already
under pressure to survive in the present difficult economic climate.

Therefore, I will be taking this matter up with senior council officials
to see why this action is being undertaken at this time and what we all
might do to progress matters and get results that everyone needs.

We have been fortunate this year to have enjoyed a successful tourist
season when all the early indicators were that we might suffer.

Under the new Planning Act the local authority has greater enforcement
powers but they also have responsibilities and I trust that they will
help more and more local businesses, provide services for locals and for
visitors and contribute to the well being of the whole community.

Where signage is intrusive or dangerous to road users there clearly
needs to be action taken but information about services must be
available to visitors, particularly where facilities are off the main
road, and a pragmatic approach is called for. The new charter that the
Council are supposed to operate under indicates that, 'a flexible and
pro-active approach towards enforcement, where possible dealing with
breaches by means of retrospective planning applications' and that
'enforcement is a discretionary power and that the Council is not bound
to act where there is a wider public interest.'

These guidelines are already in place and I feel confident that,
properly applied, they can ensure that we can achieve outcomes that
encourage small businesses and helps create a quality environment that
benefits locals, visitors, businesses and planners."