Monday 2 November 2009


The news that Scottish businesses are to be offered a £2,000 incentive to recruit an apprentice has been welcomed by Jim Mather, MSP, Argyll & Bute
Small and medium size businesses in the manufacturing, textiles, food and drink and energy sectors will be given a £2000 financial incentive by the Scottish Government to take on a new apprentice.

Jim Mather said;

"The 'Invest in an Apprentice' scheme is yet one more example of the Scottish Government determination to doing everything possible to help people in this current economic climate and ScotAction is the Scottish Government's skills support package for providing real financial support to businesses and individuals through the recession.

Apprentices are a vital component for Scotland's economic recovery and I hope small and medium sized businesses in Argyll & Bute will take advantage of this Scottish Government and European Social Fund incentive of £2,000 to take on a new 16-19 year old apprentice.

This scheme reinforces the Scottish Government's action to support Modern Apprenticeships and demonstrates that the SNP is delivering practical help to grow businesses, create jobs and support employment.

We have a long tradition in Scotland of encouraging apprenticeships and I would emphasise that taking an apprentice on will benefit, not only small and medium sized businesses, but also offer opportunities to the young people within our communities".