Thursday 21 May 2009

Jim Mather and the Strategic Tourism Partnership

Tourism growth vital for Argyll


Tourism Minister Jim Mather was in Argyll & Bute on 15 May, leading discussions on tourism growth with representatives of the local industry.


Mr Mather visited Inveraray on the eve of the flagship Homecoming Scotland 2009 event in the town, Spirit of the West.


The Minister spent the morning listening to views of local operators and exploring ideas for tourism businesses to work in partnership with each other and public sector agencies to ensure that tourism leads the way for economic growth as the economy recovers.


The event also marked the launch of the newly formed Argyll & the Isles Strategic Tourism Partnership, a group that unites the public and private sectors in an action-based approach to local tourism strategy.


The new Partnership is chaired by Provost William Petrie of Argyll & Bute Council, and includes representation from Caledonian MacBrayne, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park and VisitScotland, as well as private sector representatives.


Tourism Minister Jim Mather said: “I welcome the establishment of this new Tourism Partnership for Argyll and the Isles. It is important that the tourism industry works together in the current climate and this partnership represents a united effort to do so at a local level.


“Argyll and the Isles has fantastic scenery and many compelling reasons for anyone to visit so I am delighted that representatives from both communities are coming together to work towards showcasing this.”


Rowena Ferguson, vice chair of the Argyll & the Isles Strategic Tourism Partnership, said: “It’s great to get so many people here today from the Argyll tourism industry to share their knowledge and experience with each other. It’s exactly that spirit of sharing our expertise and working together that will make sure that tourism continues to deliver for Argyll through challenging times.


“Our new Tourism Partnership will embody that spirit and be a real champion for an Argyll industry that succeeds through working together.”