Friday, 26 June 2009

BBC ALBA - Programme Highlights


Week: 27

Date: Saturday, 4 July – Friday, 10 July 2009

Title: Scottish Football Gold

Chance to relive great football highlights as BBC ALBA presents classic matches from the Scottish Football League archives.

Transmitted: Saturday 4th July 2009
Time: 22:00

Title: Trusadh - Sgeulachd Athair

Rev Kenneth Macdonald and his wife Reta reflects on the 27 years that have passed since their daughter Alison went missing in India. The family believe that Alison is still alive.

Transmitted: Monday 6th July 2009
Time: 21:00

Title: Croit

Series charting a year in the lives of five Scottish crofters. In this week's programme it is an exciting time for Anna as her community group get closer to brokering a deal to acquire a local Estate. Donald and Calina set up a stall at a local produce market, and on North Uist Donald Norman has a battle on to protect his crops from wild Geese.

Transmitted: Wednesday 8th July 2009
Time: 20:30

Title: Soillse - Mnathan-gluine na h-Amasain

In Brazil, many communities are spread out along the labyrinthine miles of rivers and jungles of the Amazon. The inhabitants of these isolated villages are called the Ribeirinhos : the river dwellers. In these tropical lands, it is said that a pregnant woman has one foot in her grave. Baby Catchers of the Amazon is an intimate portrait of three of these dedicated women who welcome life and confront death in a place where the very continuation of life often relies on their leathery hands.

Transmitted: Wednesday 8th July 2009
Time: 21:00

Title: Ann an Còi5

Five minutes in which youngsters aged 10-13 reveal their passion for a place or pastime.

Keira Smith, a young Gaelic speaker from Oban shares with us her love of Dunbeg, near Oban.

Transmitted: Thursday 9th July 2009
Time: 18:50

Title: Cuirm @ Celtic - Daimh agus Moonlighting

Two concerts, one great evening of music featuring Dàimh and Moonlighting.

Transmitted: Friday 10th July 2009
Time: 22:00