Friday, 26 June 2009

Council Press Release - Design Awards

A new award scheme aimed at recognising, promoting and celebrating exceptional design quality across Argyll and Bute was launched this morning (Monday, June 22).

The Sustainable Design Awards aim to promote best practice and ensure that the area becomes a hotbed of sustainable design talent and activity.

The awards’ development is part of a wider action plan to help secure high quality design solutions across Argyll and Bute, linked to the development of the new Argyll and Bute Sustainable Design Guidance.

Up until 2007, Argyll and Bute Council ran a Planning Design Award - an annual event administered at Area Committee level. There was no single Council-wide awards scheme or ceremony.

That scheme has now been replaced with the Council-wide Sustainable Design Award, administered by the newly-formed Argyll and Bute Sustainable Design Forum, which is chaired by Councillor Ron Simon.

The awards will be held every two years, with the inaugural event taking place towards the end of 2009.

And the public will have the chance to play a part in deciding the final winners as they will be able to vote on line for their favourite short-listed project.

Councillor Simon said today’s launch marked an exciting development in Argyll and Bute’s bid to recognise and reward exceptional design quality.

“These awards demonstrate the Council’s determination to ensure that Argyll and Bute sets the standards in terms of sustainable development,” he added.

“We are fortunate enough to boast a wealth of individuals, groups and organisations who are interested in and committed to Argyll and Bute’s future success as a sustainable, economically viable and high quality place in which to live and work.

“We already have the framework in place in terms of seeking to ensure that any proposed development is appropriate for its context, demonstrates good design principles and is sustainable into the future.

“What we haven’t had, up until now, is a Council-wide mechanism for recognising those who are making the most exciting contributions in this area. This awards scheme seeks to rectify that, and I’m delighted that it is now up and running.”

The scheme, which is open to any individual, group or organisation, has four categories:

• New build and extension to residential (single or small scale up to five homes)

• New build large residential development

• New build non-residential

• Conservation (alterations/extension/conversion) heritage-led

The sustainability theme will run through all four categories, and this must be clearly demonstrated in the submissions.

Particular weighting will be given to incorporating energy efficient measures, minimising waste, sustainable building materials, renewable technologies, conserving water resources, sustainable infrastructure, sustainable drainage systems and incorporating biodiversity.

The inaugural 2009 awards will recognise work carried out and completed between August 1 2006 and today (June 22 2009).

The awards will only be open to developments for which full planning permission has been approved and completion certificates issued.

The closing date for applications is Friday, July 17.