Friday, 26 June 2009

NHS Highland Press Release - Sexual Health

Taking holidays, relaxing on Argyll and Bute’s beaches, enjoying long sunny
days and going out with friends/family at night – what a great way to spend
the summer. Summer holidays are a time to relax, have fun and to remember
with fondness. Positive memories are what you want – not positives for
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) or unintended pregnancies!
Laura Stephenson, Senior Health Promotion Specialist (Sexual Health) for
Argyll & Bute Community Health Partnership, said:
“In Scotland many people feel regretful about first sexual experiences,
especially if they were very young at the time. Often regret is linked with an
unplanned sexual experience. Research tells us that those in stable
relationships where sex is talked about are more likely to have a good
experience and continued relationship.
“Talking about sex is something we need to be better at and this summer
there is a national campaign launched by the Scottish Government
encouraging us to do just that and more details can be found on their website
“Alcohol can also lead to unplanned sexual experiences, influencing
behaviour and decision making. Nobody wants to wake up with a hangover,
regret and worries from the night before.
“There has also been little change in unplanned pregnancy statistics in the
last 10 years, placing Scotland amongst the highest incidence of teenage
conception in Western Europe. Sexually Transmitted Infection diagnoses are
still very high, with those under 25 being most at risk.
“Young people are not the only age group to be at risk of STIs, we all are if we
don’t use the necessary precautions. The latest statistics actually show a
dramatic increase in STI rates among 40 to 49 year olds. Using a condom is
one of the ways to significantly reduce your risk of becoming infected.
“If you want to discuss your sexual health or test for STIs, visit your GP
Surgery, a specialist sexual health service may be provided there, if not, you
will be offered a choice of other services to attend.

Youth health drop in
Headquarters (YHDI) services are also available for young people and nearly all secondary
schools in Argyll and Bute have one within walking distance, you do not need
to attend school to visit the YHDI. Remember all services are confidential.
“Make the most of the summer and enjoy it. Make good decisions and stay
safe. Make sure the only test you show positive for is a good memories test!”

Information about our sexual health services including
youth health services can be found on, click on
Argyll & Bute then on the left column click sexual health. Or visit and then click Strathclyde on
the map.
It's really easy to get free condoms - ask at your local surgery or clinic, or get
some posted out to you by emailing or calling 0141
332 3838 or 07818 287 053.
If you're under 25, you can pick up a free postal chlamydia and gonorrhoea
testing kit from your local community pharmacy, or if you're male and under
25, you can get one sent out to you from Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland -
just visit or call or text 07818 287 053.