Wednesday 10 June 2009

Jean Hunter Memorial Prize - Molly Clark

Mr Pugh

Mr Pugh loathed his candy shop full of liquorice swirls, lemon eclairs and other mouth watering treats. Mr Pugh was an extraordinary horrid creased old man with drab grey hair and a prickly expanding beard.  He had jet black eyes and of course  smelled like rotten fish.  All the children  hated this putrid old man and there was a little rhyme they sung to each other about him,

    Mr Pugh, Mr Pugh,  smells just like an old mans shoe, 

   Liquorice sweets, candy treats,

   He hates them more than he hates you.

   Sitting on a rusty seat he'll never eat another sweet.

   We don't know why he doesn't fly maybe it's just his way. 

   Why doesn't  he go catch a plane, it would be the perfect run-away.

    Up and down, up and down round the world in a year,

    I don't care where he goes as long as it's not here.

  One day a boy called Colin spent his pocket money on a action man figure he had wanted for ages. He was ashamed of himself though because he was also hungry and he ran to Mr Pugh's candy shop.  He pressed his nose on the glass and stared at a £1 lemon sherbet.  Mr Pugh was muttering something bad to himself when he turned around on his rusty chair and screamed 


At school Collin called over his friend Toby.

“OK, this is the plan.”he whispered, “I go snitch the candy from the store at night, only a box full, and I bring it to your house, Toby, and we share, OK?”asked Colin.

 “OK.” his friend agreed. 

Colin ran to the shop that night, it wasn't locked because the lock was broken. He crept inside  and took a box of lemon sherbets. At Toby's house Colin put down the box and they had six each.

 “Yum!” they said together.

This time Toby had an idea. “I've got a dare” he said.

 “What?” said Colin.

“One of us has to go and tell Mr Pugh how horrid his candy is.” Toby sniggered. 

“We'll take it in turns, I'll go first.”

When Toby arrived at the store he put on an silly face and said cheekily “Your candy tastes like rotten fish eggs!” 

Mr Pugh's response was an ignorant “SHOO!” and Toby did . 

When Collin got there he smiled and said “Hi, I stole some candy, it was so delish I just couldn't resist.” 

But the response this time was “ARGGGHHH!”.  Mr Pugh ran to look at his recipe book, under the words 'LITTLE BOY INTO SWEET'.

 “NOOOOOO!” Colin screamed as he looked, but it was too late.

The next day there was no sign of Colin.

“Maybe Mr Pugh chucked him in a dustbin?” Toby said to his friend, but when they went to the shop to check, there was just a poster on the window with a picture of Pugh's latest invented sweet on it. 

The writing above said ' NEW! CRUNCHY COLIN CANDY, only 53p!'. 

By Molly Clark